No one diet nor supplement strategy fits everyone, thus testing is an essential piece to uncovering underlying dysfunctions. We strongly believe YOU CAN'T CHANGE WHAT YOU DON'T MEASURE, thus functional testing is a required and integral part of our practice. Functional panels measure a wide variety of biomarkers, beyond the standard blood panels in conventional medicine, taking you deeper into understanding what your body truly needs.
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement.
If you can't measure something, you can't understand it.
If you can't understand it, you can't control it.
If you can't control it, you can't improve it.
Functional Testing
Below are some of Happy Hormones most utilized functional testing.
All clients receive discounted, contracted rates on testing if ordered through us at the time of consultation.
Some of our favorite testing is available for purchase directly through Rupa Health without interpretation or review.

Comprensive Blood Panel
The optimal "baseline" test, giving you a snapshot of what your blood chemistry is doing at the present moment.
· Vitamin need
· Blood sugar & weight control
· Cardiac risk & inflammation
· Thyroid
· GI Inflammation
· Metabolic Panel
· Immune function
· Iron
· Vitamin D

GI-Map Stool Test
Health begins in the gut. Proper assimilation of the nutrients you consume is critical for optimal health. Hormone dysregulation cannot be improved without addressing digestion, gut infections, GI inflammation, and estrogen detoxification, and dysbiosis.
Infectious organisms
Gluten sensitivity
Optional leaky gut add on
Pancreatic enzyme function
Phase 3 estrogen detoxification

DUTCH Sex Hormone and Adrenal Test
Urine testing for hormones has become the better industry standard. Understand your sex-hormones and adrenal function, plus how these hormones are metabolized which is critical if you are taking or considering birth control or HRT.
Estrogen/Progesterone Ratios
Estrogen metabolites
Methylation status
Adrenal Function
Melatonin levels
Oxidative stress
Vitamin B6 and B12 need
Dopamine and Norepinephrine
Indican (GI dysbiosis)

Micronutrient Test
Our biochemistry depends on vitamins, minerals and amino acids to be taken from our food and shuttled into our cells where they drive every process in our body. This test measures the levels of these nutrients INSIDE your cells, where they are truly utilized. Using this information helps direct diet and therapeutic supplementation and prevents purchases of unneeded supplements.

P88 Food Sensitivity & Allergy Test
Could that "healthy" food your eating actually be contributing to your symptoms? Food sensitivity testing can uncover foods that are causing an immune reaction inside your GI tract, thus upregulating inflammation and impairing healing. GI inflammation can contribute to system wide inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk.
Not all food sensitivity tests are created equal. Learn more.

Organic Acids Test
Feeling tired all the time? This is an excellent insight into how your body makes energy, breaks down neurotransmitters, and detoxifies. It can also show if you have an overburden of environmental toxins, mold exposure, or gut dysbiosis. It is also one of the most sensitive tests for candida overgrowth.
Want to Understand Your Genetics?
Your genes are a blue print to health. We each have a set of efficient and inefficient enzymes, which power the chemical reactions in our body. Poor diet and lifestyle choices can cause these enzymes to malfunction, leading to disease. By testing and knowing your genes, you will know what to eat and what to avoid. If you eat and live for your cells today, you'll feel and look better tomorrow. This test can help you to:
Identify ideal diet type for weight loss
Optimize vitamin levels
Balance hormones
Support thyroid health
Improve detoxification
Tailor exercise programs
Reduce stress and anxiety
Raise cognitive performance
Decrease inflammation